These backgrounds made by Blue Wolf © 1998

Every one of these backgrounds is personally made by me. If you see these somewhere else on the web, they got it here. If you would like to use one or more of these backgrounds for your personal homepages, you are welcome to do so, but please link back to this page to let others know where you got your kewl background. Please do NOT link to the backgrounds on this page. I change them often, so yours might not be here all the time. To save the background(s) of your choice, right click on the one you like and choose "save image as". Thanks, and I'm glad you took the time to read this. Have a great day!
--Blue Wolf

There are more backgrounds showing up all the time, so check back often!

purple   purple2   wolf8   clouds

gray   green   teal

pegasus   moonface   coffeemug

pyramids   dragon2   moon   panda   chess

masks   clowns   tux   yinyang

usmap   oriental

canada   sconce   music   night wolf

wolf face   wolf face 3

If you use these backgrounds, you must use this graphic to link back to this page. Please save it on your computer and upload it to your server. Thank you and I hope you find something you like!

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This page © 1998 by Blue Wolf
This page was last updated on January 3, 2000